Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 194 - Aldon's Wedding

Matt and I's honeymoon ending with a wedding.  :)  After being in Hawaii for 10 days, we flew to Nashville, TN to stay with my friends from vet school, Sam and Chad who live about an hour outside of Nashville.  We stayed with Sam and Chad for a couple of days - resting, doing laundry, and readjusting to a 'normal' time zone.  On Saturday, we drove to Franklin, TN for my college friend, Aldon's wedding.

Aldon was the first friend I made in college.  And he is still a dear friend to me.  He is one of the kindest, most genuine people I have ever known.  His life circumstances have not always been easy - but he is a true competitor and never quits.  Aldon loves Target (who he's worked for since his teenage years), TN Titans football, Star Wars, and Dr. Pepper.  He also loves his wife and daughter - who are gorgeous!

Their wedding was small, lovely, outdoors, and HOT!  June 7th, 2008 in Franklin, TN was one HOT, HUMID, STICKY day!  But it was such a good day.  :)  Aldon had more groomsman in his wedding than I have ever seen before.  And they were all wearing pink shirts.  :)

Aldon's sweet mom,, who I was lucky enough to spend time with on more than one occasion, lost her battle with breast cancer when I was in vet school.  Aldon and I both left ETSU at the same time.  I went to vet school at UT, he went home to take care of his dying mom.   Her husband had left her for another woman and her oldest son became her champion.  I still respect Aldon so much for what he did.  I can't imagine how hard it was for him.

As we were sitting in the seats waiting for the wedding to start, I was telling Matt of the significance of the groomsmen wearing pink.  It was for his mom.  And as Aldon carried a rose to place in the chair she should be sitting in, the tears fell from my eyes.  She would have been so proud to see her baby boy marrying a beautiful, smart, kind woman like Rebecca.  It was a bittwersweet moment.

But the rest of the wedding was wonderful and full of love and laughter and dancing and sweat.  :)  The couple made their grand entrance into the reception by what you see above.  A light-sabre arch of of swords by the men in pink.  Sweet!

The highlight of the reception was when Aldon's dad showed up in full Darth Vader costume and challenged him to a light-sabre duel.  I don't remember who won - just that it was awesome.  And Becca totally smashed the cake into Aldon's face.  :)

It was such a good day - and I'm so thankful that I have friends like Aldon. 

I miss you big guy!

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1 comment:

  1. wow, shouldn't have read that on my lunch break - whew! All teary eyed. It was a glorious day.
