Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 214 - Red Moth

In all truth, I do not know if I took this picture or not.

While on my photo hike outing with my friend,  Chris in early June - he and I both took pictures of this moth.  I took some with my camera and some with his.  In the series of photos, this picture was just after one that he took of me taking a picture with his camera - but then there were some after that that I am sure that I took.

So, maybe I took this - maybe Chris did.

Either way - she's a lovely moth.  :)

And I like run-on sentences. 

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  1. Well, I thought this was a Cecropia Moth at first. The markings look like a Cecropia. But it's very red.

  2. She's beautiful - whatever she is! :)
