Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 215 - Rachel and Isaac

I did not blog last night - I was at church having fun with ice cream, friends, silly games, and photo taking.  :)

These are two of my favorite peoples.  Rachel and Isaac - parents to little Faith and Violet (two of my favorite little girls!) 

Yesterday was Rachel's birthday - Yay! 

She is from CA, he's from OH.  Both pilots.  Well, he more than she - but still, how cool is that?  They have been a part of the small group that I am in since it's beginning and I am ever thankful for their presence in my life. 

Love you guys!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's a wonderful photo of them! But, I'm biased, being Rachel's mom. But, it's still a wonderful photo!
