Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 337 - My Great-Granny

These are pictures of my great-grandmother, Dolly.  She was my mom's paternal grandmother (her dad's mom.)  She lived to be 94 and was someone I got to spend a lot of time with as a child.  I am so grateful for that. 

She was a tiny little one - but tough as can be.  She buried all 3 of her sons and her husband.  She lived alone on her farm until she was 90, I believe.  She kept her hair long and braided it into a bun everyday.  She had Dobermans.  She would yell at them "hear me!  hear me!" when they would not listen.  She had a car that you pushed a button on to start.  The water at her house was collected via cistern and was the best tasting water EVER!  (I think that had something to do with the charcoal filter.)  She used to make rhubarb pies that I was a fan of.  Her Christmas tree was always a live, prickly cedar.  She hated carnation flowers.

She was still playing church-league soft ball at age 85.  I'm not kidding.  The local newspaper actually did an article on she and I playing for the same team.  I was the youngest member, she the oldest.

Quite a woman.  The bottom picture is of my brother and I and her - she wanted to ride in an airplane so our family physician, Dr. Susong, took her up in his plane for her 90th birthday.  So cool.  
I don't think I want to live to be 94 - but if I do, I hope I can be as strong and active as she was.  I also hope I am brave enough to do something new when I'm 90.  :) 

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