Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 338 - Matt's Maryland House

Last night we were talking with some friends from church about Matt's townhouse in Maryland and all the renovations he did.  We mostly talked about how he painted the living room with TEN different colors.  Fully painted the entire living room with two coats of paint SEVEN times.  He was a crazy man, then.  

But it turned out stellar. 

It used to have awful pink carpet and pink walls.  He yanked the carpet and installed beautiful cherry hardwood floors (with the help of our brother-in-law, Aaron and myself.)  Repainted everything.  New carpet.  New appliances.  Tiled the kitchen and downstairs bathroom (with my help.) 

It was a ton of work.  And it sold in 8 days in a crappy housing market.  :)

This is the staircase.  :)  It was a 3 story townhouse - so the center stairwell was cool. 

Good job, honey.  You made it a beautiful house. 

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