A picture a day is a worthy, wonderful, awesome blog project.

But that's not what I'm going to do. :)

I already have a ton of pictures. I don't think I need to take more just to have them on a blog. So, I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to post pictures I've already taken and tell the story behind them.

I love pictures. I love people. And I love writing. Hopefully, this will work out well for all of us.

My goal is to publish one post a day. Some of the posts will be long. (I am prone to verbosity, after-all.) Some of them will be short. My wish is that each picture-story will help me share the ongoing story that is my life.

That and you'll think I'm cool. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 177 - My Turn

So, at the Bowman's house yesterday we all got a little target practice in.  I did some with 2 pistols for the first time ever (boy, that took some work!) but I was much more comfortable with a .22 rifle in my hands.  That's what I grew up shooting.  :)

Pow! Pow! Pow!

I knocked the cans down.  :)

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  1. A little advice (and this is almost universal with women...I don't know why): when shooting the rifle, try and stand up straight or lean a little forward rather than arching your back.
    It will be strange-feeling at first, but you will find that your accuracy and comfort both increase.

    Good on ya for taking up the guns though :)

  2. I could not hit the broad side of a barn. Frank, I wonder if it has to do with arm length?

  3. I have no shooting advice for you. Instead I would like to say - Holy Moly! Look at the guns on that girl!

  4. Thanks to all 3 of you!

    But I have to admit I'm partial to Candi's comment. Seeing as how I have not worked out in 3 years.... my arms don't look half bad! :)
