Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 107 - Nelson County with snow at Sunset

Big news today - I paid off my student loans!!!! WOOOOOO!

I also got my hair cut and it's awesome.  Pics of that once I've gotten rid of the grays.  :)

This was an evening after looking at an injured cow back in January.  The picture does not do it justice, it was really gorgeous.  I missed the prime light digging my camera out of my bag.  :(

Oh, well. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 105 and 106 - CVC Springing Forward

I missed blogging yesterday - was working late (till about 10 or so.)  I wanted to get all my paperwork done as I took today off from work and am off tomorrow in preparation for working the weekend.

I'm not feeling the best - have been struggling with some old symptoms heartily for the past 10 days or so.  I had a phone consult with my doc this afternoon - and we've come up with a plan to get me feeling more normal, and hopefully soon.  :)

Since I didn't blog yesterday, I will make up for it with a substantial post today.  Because something substantial has happened in my life this week. 

I have blogged before about the place where I work, and it's pictured above in the snow.  BTW - it was snowing here this morning!!!  C'mon Spring - where did you go????  

But I haven't written that much about the man who started that practice - the man who hired me, trained me, grew me into the vet I am today, and accepted me into his family with open arms.  That man is Dr. Bruce Bowman and as of May 7th, he will no longer work at Commonwealth Veterinary Clinic. 

I remember well the day that new black sign in the picture above was placed in front of the clinic.  The previous wooden one had his name on it.  The new one did not.  It was a move on his part to start to separate his name from the practice's name - for he knew he would not always be the owner of CVC.  And he also knew he would not always be there. 

Even though I knew that, too - I remember wondering what I would feel like when the day came for him to leave.  I am beginning to feel that now.  It's a whole mix of emotions that I likely can not articulate into words. 

I mean, it is not like he is leaving because he doesn't love us anymore.  :)  And he is not leaving because he doesn't enjoy practice anymore.  We just had a vet student visit us and she stayed with him and his wife for the weekend while he was on-call.  Her thoughts on Dr. Bowman: "he loves vet med so much.  He loves everything in his life so much!"  And that really is a proper summary.  :) 

He's leaving because he has been recruited as the best man for the job to take on a position for the USDA - working for the state veterinarian's office.  He will be a field vet - doing all kinds of regulatory things that keep us and our food supply safe and healthy.  He has years of experience and a personality that handles people and challenges well.  They have wanted HIM for this position for a WHILE.  :)  

I'm so proud of him.

And I can hardly imagine what working at CVC without him will be like.  

He's been gone before - for vacations and hiking trips and for a month-long trip to India (which you can read about here.)  But with every departure there was always an understanding that it was temporary.  This has a finality to it.  Watching his office that has always been filled to the brim with hats, and animal skulls, and knick-knacks that clients and employees alike have gifted him with over the years, and coffee cups and magnets and books, and pens, and pictures and signs on the walls - watching that dwindle makes me sad. 

Watching his successor, Dr. Spencer Nice step boldly into his footsteps makes me proud.  Next to Bruce, there is no one else I would rather have leading me and the clinic.  

I love Bruce like a father and I love Spence like a brother.  I'm one of the really lucky ones that gets to work with people I consider family.

My very first day as an associate veterinarian at Commonwealth, Dr. Bowman walked me into a room with a client and introduced me as his new doctor.  After telling the client my name he then said 'isn't she beautiful?'  I will never ever forget the shock I felt at hearing those words.  Firstly, 'isn't she beautiful' - what on earth does that have to do with the price of tea in China???  Wouldn't a 'doesn't she look smart' have been more appropriate when introducing the new doctor in your practice???  Secondly, what kind of BOSS says that about an EMPLOYEE???  Isn't that kind of .....weird?

This was the first of MANY clues to let me know that Dr. B was going to become much more than a boss to me.  He is my friend.  He is my Papa B.  

And thirdly, though I have told him before, he will likely never be able to understand what impact that very simple question had on my heart.  It was not a phrase I had ever heard uttered in reference to me by any man of authority or respect in my life.  Ever. 

He and his wife, Nancy (who is an absolute gem that I completely adore!) took me into their home and family and made me feel like one of them right away.  They fed me dinner at LEAST twice a week those first few months (years?) I was in VA.  I became a part of their Easter and Thanksgiving celebrations.  I was invited to watch their daughter perform in the Nutcracker ballet and go to their son's soccer games and wrestling matches.  I got to know not only Bruce and Nancy, but their parents and siblings as well. 

They have listened to me, prayed for me, fed me, cared for me, encouraged and supported me on SO many life decisions.  From giving up on my old car and buying another one to buying my house - they have offered wisdom and guidance.  From going on blind dates to getting on eharmony - they have been a sounding board for my love life.  :)  The first guy I met on eharmony (it wasn't Matt!  It was a very nice fellow named Darren) actually drove from Ohio to visit me here in VA and he stayed with the Bowman's.  And I'll never forget that Dr. B had to work at the emergency clinic that night and wasn't even home!  He trusted ME enough to let a guy I was interested in stay at his home with HIS family when he wasn't around.  That's a bit crazy.

I'll also never forget the first time Matt did come to visit here in VA - I was in surgery and Dr. B had finished up for the day.  Bruce took Matt back to his office and had a very fatherly chat with him - the contents of that conversation I still do not have full knowledge of.  :)  I was completely mortified, though! 

They were so encouraging when I wanted to go on another mission trip - this time to Bangladesh.  They were excited for me and expected me to do well.  One of the mental images I will forever cherish is standing in the clinic in a circle with Bruce and Spencer as we held hands and they prayed over me. 

There simply is no way for me to write down all of the things he has done for me.  It just isn't possible.  I'm trying my hardest to capture the most important, but more keep coming to mind!

I used to call him on my days off when I'd go hiking (by myself) to tell him where I was going and what time I expected to be back.  He is an avid hiker and knows the area, so I would always check in with him when I was back so that if something happened to me and he didn't hear from me, he would come and find me.

I came to this job, this career, as a very uncertain and timid little gal.  Bruce is an excellent leader and he made all the right moves and said all the right things to allow me to grow and excel.  He allowed me to make mistakes while humbly telling me of his own.  He pushed me farther than I would have liked all the while being there for me when I really needed him.  He praised me like crazy to my face.  He praised me like crazy in other people's faces.  :)  His praise of me preceded almost every client interaction I had.  He definitely had more faith in me than I did in myself.....

He built this practice on several principles that I pray will never be abandoned.  I can still hear him saying some of the things he said to me that first year of practice.   1) Our job is about people.  Get to know our clients and their families and where they work and what they do for fun.  2) Our job is fun.  Animals are cool and we get to do some really cool things with/for them.  He has never lost his passion or zeal for this job after doing it for 20+ years.  3) The people we work with are family.  We must take care of each other. The majority of our staff have been there for over 5 years.  That is pretty rare in a vet clinic.  4) We are blessed - and giving to those who are not is important.  I can't tell you how many teams/projects/individuals our clinic supports financially.  5) Being involved in the community is very important.  Giving of your time is just as important as giving your money.  6) Teaching future students is a top priority of our practice.  We have high school students, college students, and vet students in our practice ALL THE TIME.  We go to elementary schools and pre-schools to talk about animals and vet med.  We work with girl scouts and 4-H groups to educate and train.  7) Life outside of work/family is way more important than work. 

All of these things I have seen Bruce not only say but live out.  Daily. 

He also sings and whistles a lot.  And loudly.  Spence is going to have to take over in those departments as my whistling and singing skills are lacking.  :)

He is one of the best cheerleaders someone like me could have ever asked for.  He has encouraged me to follow my passions since day one.

In my office hangs a plaque that has a $2 bill framed on it.  The engraved plate below it says "first professional $ earned as a DVM" and below that "may all of your other dreams come true." 

I stand behind him now, as his cheerleader, proudly watching him take his next step into new territory.  I am excited for him.  And I am going to miss him - so much.

Papa B - I love you.  May all of YOUR other dreams come true.  Thank you for everything.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 104 - Blue Tongues

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with using Picasa for my blog pics.  Let's see if this one works.  I'll fix my one from yesterday tomorrow - I'm just too tired tonight.

This is from a Greeneville Astros game during the summer of 2009.  Hot TN summer weather, baseball, and a frozen blue raspberry treat make for a great night.  :)  

For some reason, I really love this picture.  :)  I would love it even more if our tongues were purple.  Heh. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 103 - Baby Aspen

So, I'm doing a lot of newborn shoots these days.  One more to go this week and then I think I'm good until May or so.  :)

This is baby Aspen - she is the fourth child, but first daughter of some friends of mine from church.  Actually she is the niece of my former roommate, Glenda.  And she is beautiful!

Her dad's hands are so large - I really wanted to show the contrast to her tiny hands against his.  This is the best I got on my shoot today - and I think it's pretty cool.  :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 102 - Baby Penelope

Some new parents just amaze me.  This is Penelope - she is the 4 day old daughter of new friends of mine, Ryan and Kristen.  I have only met them once.  :)  They are new to our church and have been attending our small group.  They have been there several times when I wasn't there - and I only met them for the first time a week ago.

I knew that Penelope was born this week but I had plans to go and photograph another baby today.  However, baby A has decided she wants to stay in mommy's tummy a bit longer and she's not here yet.

Since my plans for my day revolved around baby pictures - I found another baby.  :)

I called Ryan today (basically, I'm a total stranger) and asked if I could come over today and photograph their newborn.  They said yes!  Even with both sets of family in town and everything!  Wow.  Brave folks.

They were troopers.  And little Penelope was an absolute gem.  This is her wearing a bonnet that belonged to her mother.  So sweet!!!!  Her nursery is two walls of windows - amazing.  Even with it being a cloudy day, the light was incredible.

Baby session # 2 with the new camera was still not super smooth - but the new tripod helped. 

Yay for baby girls and awesome new parents and friends.  Thanks Ryan and Kristen for letting me into your world for a day.  I really enjoyed it.  :)

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 101 - Baby Addison Rae

Little one, Addison Rae

Second daughter of my vet tech and friend, Jenny.

Born March 14th, 2011 weighing 7lbs 1 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. 

After being awake for far longer than a newborn should be, she passed out.... COLD.  She was a gem to photograph.  Except we couldn't keep her warm.  :(  It was plenty warm in the house to us - but we are not newborns and we were not naked.  :)  Every time we uncovered her, she would start to shiver.  But she stayed asleep!  This is my favorite of her.  :) 
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 100 - Red Vase

100 days of picture blogging.  Cool. 

This is a shadow of a red vase sitting in my foyer. 

The sun was shining just right......and I thought it was photo-worthy. 

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 99 - And the Two shall become One

Two vials of sand poured together to represent one new family.  :)

Taken at our friends' wedding in FL.  Kyle and Ashley had a lovely beachside wedding and then we all went on a cruise.  :) 

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 98 - Baby Luke and Megs

This is Matt's sister, Meagan and her first-born (our nephew) Luke.  :)  So sweet!

Luke is the spitting image of Matt when he was young - it's a bit creepy they are so similar.  Luke is a super-bright energetic 4 year old now that loves Thomas the train and dinosaurs. 

Meagan is a sweet, loving, funny genius.  She is one of the warmest people I have ever known.  A true gem.  She does some really fancy job that involves Johns Hopkins and Nasa (told ya she was smart!) but also has a photography business on the side.   Most of the ideas I have about taking newborn pictures I have stolen from her.  :) 

I think this was one of the first newborn shots I ever took.  And I love it.  Mostly because I love the people in it so much.  <3

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 97 - Happy 1st Day of Spring!

No story here - just a pretty picture to celebrate the first day of Spring.  :) 

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 96 - Diamond

The case has been tried and we got a conviction, so I can now blog about this sweet pup. 
Diamond was rescued from a really sad situation.  
This was a husband/wife, female dog/male dog household.  Diamond was bred to the male dog and had puppies.  Somewhere in the mix, the husband left the wife.  Diamond was the husband's dog.  Diamond was left at the home and the wife starved her.

When this household was investigated, the male dog was found to be in perfectly good health, while Diamond looked like.... this.  The male dog was the wife's dog.

She is by far the thinnest living animal I have ever seen.  I have no idea how she was able to walk.  She is a Pit Bull who on this day weighed 27lbs.  She should have weighed 60.  She is also the only Pit Bull I have ever met that would not wag it's tail.  I don't think she had the energy.  Her facial expression was one of complete exhaustion and defeat.  Pit Bulls are strong and resilient.  She was broken.
She not only had no body fat, but her body had consumed all of the muscle tissue on her frame, as well.  She was literally, at this point, skin stretched over bone. 

It was evident she had been nursing puppies - and that increased calorie demand is what likely drug her down to this point.  She did what all mammals would do in the same situation - she sacrificed her own body for the lives of her pups.  They had been moved to another location before Diamond's rescue, but we later got them.  Sadly, all but two of them died.  But those two are now safe and loved and in good homes. 

The day Diamond arrived at the clinic, I consulted with a nutrition specialist to ensure that I did not harm her by overfeeding her (which I did the first few hours until I had the tucked-away revelation about re-feeding syndrome.)  I had her at the clinic for 3 days before I transferred her to long-term care.  On day 3 she wagged her tail and actually barked at another dog!  :)  I was so happy! 

I have testified at one other animal cruelty trial in my career and have been haunted by regret over not saying the right things/how I wanted to say them/etc. and the ending was not what was right.  This trial had the right ending: a conviction.  Yet I still have regrets.

I wish I had asked the judge to send in DCS to investigate the home.  There are children in this home.  If the vindictive wife did this to the husband's dog, what will she do to the husband's children?

In the state of TN, there is legislation in place for just such a situation.  There is a system that allows DCS to do an investigation of any reported animal abuse case if there are children in the home. Likewise, animal control is allowed to do an investigation of any case of child abuse when there are animals in the home.

Because most people that abuse animals also abuse children and vice-versa.

Diamond is over 50lbs now - just a little over 2 months from her rescue.  I have not seen her but know that she is happy and thriving.  Hopefully she'll have a new home soon. 

A picture sometimes does speak a thousand words - and that top picture is what I showed the judge.  He looked me straight in the eyes and said 'thanks for saving her.' 

Happy endings are my favorite.  :)

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 95 - SPRING!!!!!

Across the mountain in Nelson County, Spring has SPRUNG!!!!  :)

Took this today on a photo adventure day with my good pal, Erin.  We had gorgeous weather and a great time.  :) 

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 94 - Silly Faces!

For my 30th birthday I took a week long trip to TN.  I spent the first part of the week in middle TN with my buds Sam and Chad and then came to Knoxville to hang out with my bestest bud, Candi.

Our mutual friend, Mickey was in for the weekend and the 3 of us had a blast hanging out - which we usually do when we are together.  I'm not sure what all we did this night but I know that we went out to eat and laughed.  A lot.

Mickey is someone I am so grateful to know.  He is kind, he is smart, and he laughs at everything I say.  :)  He gives great hugs - the kind that hold on until you know you are cared for.  We met during my college years at ETSU - he was on staff for Campus Crusade at the time.  He now lives and works in Oklahoma, which is way too far away.  :( 

He took this picture of the 3 of us - and it's one of my favorites.

And yes, that is a tiara on my head.  And there is a purple '30' on it.  You only turn 30 once, folks. 

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 93 - It's Coming....

"The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope."
Wendell Berry

I'm ready for Spring.  Yes.

And everything that's new has bravely surfaced, Teaching us to breathe
What was frozen through is newly purposed, Turning all things green
So it is with You
And how You make me new
With every season's change, and so it will be
As you are re-creating me
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

-- Nicole Nordeman's "Every Season"

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 92 - Leslie Brown, DVM

So, this picture is a bit small - click on it and you can make it bigger.  I FINALLY framed this super cool picture just this week.  I ordered it years ago through the UT alumni association after I made a donation.  :)

It says "Leslie Brown DVM"

The letters are formed by the Pride of the Southland Band on the field of Neyland Stadium (which is the University of Tennessee's football stadium and the 2nd largest in the nation.) 

It's completely fake and computer generated. But who cares?  I don't.  :)

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 91 - Broken Glass

So...... I got a new camera.  :)  I have had my other one for 7 years and it has served me very well.  I have several new babies that are being born that will need their portraits taken and we were fortunate to get a nice tax return. 

Photography is a hobby that I love.  And I love being able to serve others with it. 

This particular picture is one I just snapped in order to just start using the intimidating beast. This camera is big, has lots of new buttons, and I do not understand them all.  Yet.  But I will!

Our yard does not grow living things well.  As I said in another post, every thing that we have planted has died.  But our yard brings forth rocks and glass in abundance!  This is just a small collection of 'yard glass' that we have laying on the decking outside.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 90 - Eiffel Tower Restaurant

Day 90?  I've already been doing this for 3 months?  Seriously?!? 



This is the Eiffel Tower Restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I was with my wonderful friends Sam and Chad who live in Paris, Tennessee - where there also happens to be another, smaller Eiffel Tower.  I have a picture of that one somewhere....

This one had an absolutely delish French restaurant that left us very well fed inside.  And it was lit up all pretty.  It wins. 

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 89 - Crystal's Eye

This is Crystal and she is a white horse with blue eyes.  Very normal.  However, her owner called me out one day because her other eye had changed color.  This is what it looked like before:

And this is what it looked like after:

Pretty crazy, eh?  I was more than a little perplexed when I saw her so I took some pictures to send to my wonderful ophthalmology professors at UT to get their opinion and advice (they are SO great about that!) 

The pictures don't really capture all that I could see with my eyes - but I think they are cool pictures in and of themselves.  :)  What I was seeing (for the vet folk who read this blog) was significant aqueous flare, corneal neovascularization, and something I'm sure there is an ophtho word for that I just can't remember: the iris was not flat. It was swollen and poofy.  Like a balloon.  

Not to mention that the eye was now bright yellow instead of blue.  

The diagnosis was significant uveitis of unknown origin.  I treated her as aggressively as I could but it was too little, too late and she did lose her vision in that eye.  :(  But she's happy and comfortable and gets around just fine.  

Crazy yellow eye,  though.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 88 - Me and Matt

Ruby Tuesdays, Wayesboro, VA circa 2006

Just prior to Matt juggling rocks and dropping one on my flip-flopped toe.  :)  Ouch.

Twas a good date, none-the-less.  And he really is a good juggler. 

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 87 - Earrings for a Wedding

Matt and I have a sweet, dear friend who got married this past New Year's Day.  I was honored to be allowed to make earrings for her bridesmaids!  I was told the dresses were royal blue - with silver being the accent color of the wedding.  The dresses had a high neckline, so they would not be wearing necklaces.  They needed big, bold, beautiful New Year's Day earrings.

Here's what I came up with (with some help from Matt who really does have a fantastic eye for color and shape.)  I think they are lovely - and the girls liked them, too.  :)

My favorite part?  The big ball at the top.  Get it?  New Year's - the ball dropping?  Hee.  :)

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 86 - Spigot

We used to not have water to the backyard.  And since we planted a rhododendron and a few azaleas, we needed to water them.  (It did not matter - they still died.)

My super duper handy husband put a spigot in the backyard to solve that problem!  Awesome!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 85 - Henna Hair Process

My friend, Rachel allowed me to share in her Lush Henna hair color!  This is the Caca Rouge block, crumbled up and ready for mixing.   Henna hair dye is all natural pigment that provides lots of shine and covers gray.  It also fades out in 4-6 weeks. This is the reason I gave it a go. 

Yeah, 'caca' means poop.  :)  It doesn't smell bad - it's very earthy.  But once it's mixed, it does look a little.... poopy.  :)  You put the henna in a bowl and place that bowl in water in a skillet on the stove.  Kind of like a double boiler.  For henna.  You gradually add hot water and stir.  And stir.  Stir.  And stir some more.  You keep adding hot water until the consistency is like pudding.  Pudding is a nicer word than the alternative - which it actually what it looks like here.  

Rachel's head covered in henna mudd.  :)

The amount of pigment in that little block is amazing!  And it makes an amazing mess!!!  

It was definitely more red than I anticipated.  Hard to imagine it coming out red with the green color you see in the tub.  That green was running down my face and neck!  

When Rachel started rinsing my hair out she said 'I'm so sorry!!!'  Those are not the words I wanted to hear.  :)  She was laughing and saying 'it's so red!  it's so red!'  

The bulk of  my hair looked really nice.  Kind of a deep auburn red all shiny and lovely.  And my gray hairs were no longer gray!  Mission accomplished!  One problem:  the gray hairs were now fluorescent orange.  Mission failed!  Haaa haaa!  I had to part my hair a little differently for a while, but it is certainly faded now.

I have a new block of henna - this time it's 'Caca Brun' which is supposedly more brown than red.  Brown will be good.   :) 

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 84 - Baby Shower Deluxe

The gals of my small group know how to do food right.  And it's really impressive and surprising because several of the gals have food sensitivities.  Most of our get-togethers are now 'gluten free and dairy free.'  You see those little chocolate cupcakes in the lower portion of the bottom picture?  Gluten free!  The actual cake is not, but everything else was.

This was a baby shower for my friend, Jenny.  She has 2 boys and is expecting a little girl named Ansley any day now.  My friend, Lisa made my wedding cake and has made the cakes for all of the small group gals' baby showers - but she really outdid herself on this cake.  It was SO cute!  And GOOD!  Yum!  The writing on top says 'Ansley's Garden.'  And those little lady bugs?  Precious!

Foodies we are.  Even if we have to be extra-special about it.  :)

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