A picture a day is a worthy, wonderful, awesome blog project.

But that's not what I'm going to do. :)

I already have a ton of pictures. I don't think I need to take more just to have them on a blog. So, I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to post pictures I've already taken and tell the story behind them.

I love pictures. I love people. And I love writing. Hopefully, this will work out well for all of us.

My goal is to publish one post a day. Some of the posts will be long. (I am prone to verbosity, after-all.) Some of them will be short. My wish is that each picture-story will help me share the ongoing story that is my life.

That and you'll think I'm cool. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 58 - Purple Roses

I had a bad day today.  I needed to post a picture that would make me happy.  Purple roses make me happy.  :) 

I have only ever received purple roses from one person.  My sweet husband, Matt.  These particular purple roses were sent to me just after we were engaged - while he was on a business trip to Spain. 

They smelled SO good.  They were so pretty. 

Some days smell like roses and some days smell like poop.  Today smelled like poop.

So, let's all look at the roses and remember how they smell.....

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