A picture a day is a worthy, wonderful, awesome blog project.

But that's not what I'm going to do. :)

I already have a ton of pictures. I don't think I need to take more just to have them on a blog. So, I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to post pictures I've already taken and tell the story behind them.

I love pictures. I love people. And I love writing. Hopefully, this will work out well for all of us.

My goal is to publish one post a day. Some of the posts will be long. (I am prone to verbosity, after-all.) Some of them will be short. My wish is that each picture-story will help me share the ongoing story that is my life.

That and you'll think I'm cool. :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 59 - Row Houses in San Fran

Taken with a little point and shoot because my big camera's battery was dead. 

The streets are SO steep!!!!  Who thought to build a city here?  Really? 

But these row houses were pretty cool on this lovely September day. 

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  1. San Francisco is probably one of my favorite cities that I've ever been to. It's still a little chilly there in May, but still beautiful! Great shot though!
